Green Erapo
Green Erapo - How do we contribute to a sustainable future?
We, in the Erapo team, also try to be green and take measures to reduce our environmental impact and improve sustainability. This includes various activities, such as:
- we minimize the need to print documents, we use contracts without signature, which are valid upon payment, which not only saves paper, but also time and costs associated with printing and transporting documents,
- we created the possibility of online reporting of insurance claims,
- our office is equipped with energy-saving light sources and equipment, which minimizes energy consumption and reduces our carbon footprint,
- we recycle waste,
- we invest in the education of our employees in the field of environmental responsibility and support their personal involvement in environmental protection,
- we try to have more live plants in the office. In addition to creating a more pleasant and healthy atmosphere for employees, they also help us raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection.
- we use more ecological means of transport – electric scooters, bicycles, public transport. This choice is motivated by our efforts to reduce emmissions of greenhouse gases
In this way, we try to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to the protection of the environment and a sustainable future.
Your team,