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General Information:

Capital: Ljubljana
Political system:  parliamentary republic with a prime minister (prime minister), who represents the executive branch, and a head of state, a president who performs mainly representative roles.
Population: 2 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Slovenian

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 112
Firemen: 112
Police: 113

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

The Slovenians are seen as a nation that is able to sensitively perceive cultural diversity due to its history. On the other hand, they are among the nations that realize the need to be proud of their history and share it with new generations. Slovenia declared its independence in 1991. Many see the Slovenian mentality as very different from those of other Balkan countries.

Expats and foreigners describe the Slovenians as conservative, tolerant and hospitable. Slovenia is one of the tourist destinations with beautiful natural sceneries, caves and lakes. Forests cover 61% of the territory. The Slovenians are also known for their approach to nature protection, which is an integral part of their private and professional lives. The well-known Lipizzan horse breed comes from the town of Lipica in Slovenia.

The Slovenian communication style is direct and based on logical argumentation. They always prepare carefully for business meetings and formulate their objectives clearly. They expect a full work commitment from their colleagues and their style of co-operation is often compared to the German one. When presenting projects, they focus on the facts, figures and successes that the company achieved in the past. They do not belong to the informal cultures, which perceive the presentation rather as an introduction to the issue and the creation of a pleasant working atmosphere.

Specialized education is important for the Slovenians. Therefore, like many other cultures, they list their university degrees on business cards and work documents.  It is rather perceived as proof of their expertise.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Slovenia:
  • The Slovenians work on their tasks individually and expect full commitment from each team member.
  • Punctuality and completion of tasks on time is a priority.
  • They are direct within professional co-operation, when it comes to technical aspects of the project or problem-solving.
  • The number of women in senior positions is gradually increasing.
  • The Slovenians are proud of their country and they are confident business partners.


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