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Slovak republic

General Information:

Capital city: Bratislava
Political system: a parliamentary republic with a prime minister (prime minister), who represents the executive branch, and a head of state, a president who performs mainly representative roles.
Population: 5.5 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Slovak

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 155
Firemen: 150
Police: 158

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

Slovakia is known for a large number of castles and chateaux. To be more precise, there are 180 castles and 425 castles. The most famous ones are Bratislava Castle, Orava Castle or Bojnice Castle. Another extraordinary natural phenomenon is more than 6,000 caves. Ochtinská Aragonite Cave is the only aragonite cave located in Europe. Held since 1924, the oldest marathon in Europe and the third oldest in the world (after Boston and Yonker) takes place in Košice every year. Slovakia is associated with the name of Andy Warhol abroad. His parents came from Medzilaborce, where there is a museum of modern art dedicated to his memory.

Although Slovaks are usually rather reserved at the first meeting, after getting to know each other they build closer friendships and are always willing to help. They spend their free time with family and friends in nature and doing sports. They are among the cultures that are hospitable and the abundance of food is part of their friendly and family reunions. The country is gradually opening up to other cultures and the young people like to travel.

The Slovak business environment is one of those built on a hierarchical arrangement. Even though there is a tendency to apply coaching and support leaders in delegation, most team members rely on clear commands from managers. The Slovaks tend to approach cultures that control time and try to avoid risk. In practice, this means planning, preparing processes and justifications. Relationships in a team determine its effectiveness and ability to respond flexibly to new challenges.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Slovakia:
  • The Slovaks come to the meetings on time or a few minutes in advance.
  • Slovak people only ask questions during a discussion when they are factually focused. It does not show their less involvement or initiative.
  • Team members expect clear and precise instructions on how to work on their tasks.
  • The Slovaks belong to individualistic cultures, which prefer individual working on their tasks.
  • Team members invest time in building relationships and getting to know each other.


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