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General Information:

Capital: Bucharest
Political system: semi-presidential republic with prime minister - prime minister and head of state - president. Executive functions are held by the government and the president.
Population: 19, 6 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Romanian

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 112
Firemen: 112
Police: 112

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

Romania is connected with other European countries by the Danube River, on which large dams (hydroelectric power plants) stand out. At the same time, the river forms a natural border with the neighbouring Serbia. The Palace of the Parliament, or Palatul Parlamentului, is the second largest building on Earth. Its only competitor is the American Pentagon. The Dacia car can be seen as a national symbol, and the Romanians are proud to be one of the nations with the largest number of cars per person. Another well-known symbol of Romania among tourists is Dracula. The most famous Dracula’s castle is the Bran Castle, which is located almost a hundred kilometres from Bucharest. Romania is often associated with salt caves, volcanic mountains and a cemetery located in the village of Săpânța. The tombstones are decorated in various colours, dominated by blue. It symbolizes the heaven into which the soul is to enter after death.

The following values belong to those ​​that are important for the Romanians in private and professional life: stability, esteem, tolerance and respect. The Romanians also belong to the cultures that approach unknown people with distrust. When working with colleagues and business partners, they strive for harmony and mutual agreement. The turbulent history has prepared them as a nation to cope with the changes they have experienced in recent years. They rather focus on achieving short-term goals and immediate results. They belong to those nations that have a more emotional verbal expression accompanied by more pronounced gestures.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Romania:
  • The Romanians belong to the employees who work hard and the competition exists even among them.
  • Romanian people postpone a lot of work to the last possible date, but when it gets closer, they are working to solve the task and the project very quickly and efficiently.
  • Many expats appreciate the creativity of their Romanian employees and business partners. However, sometimes it can also be used to circumvent the rules in order to achieve the goal.
  • Romanian managers are people-oriented, therefore building relationships and creating a pleasant working atmosphere is very important.
  • The Romanians belong to the so-called polychronic cultures that are able to do several things at once.


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