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General Information:

Capital: Berlin
Political system: the Federal Parliamentary Republic with the Prime Minister - the Chancellor and the Head of State - the President, who performs mainly representative tasks.
Population: 83 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: German

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 112
Firemen: 112
Police: 110

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

Germany is one of the countries that boast a developed economy and a pursuit of excellent service. The emphasis on formality, customer care and accuracy is part of everyday personal and professional life. Rules, laws and regulations are strictly observed, whether in terms of conditions for studying or waste sorting. The compliance with regulations is a matter of personal pride and not of forced control.

When communicating with friends or colleagues, they appreciate straightforwardness and objectivity, which may seem to other cultures like a cold behaviour and reluctance to build friendships. The Germans spend their free time actively, playing sports or attending cultural events organized by cities or smaller village communities. In the summer months, there are popular festivals associated with sausages, roasted pork knuckles and pretzels. Volunteering is welcome in all spheres of social life and positively evaluated by friends or the future employer.

Regarding the team co-operation, direct and more formal communication is expected, which sometimes seems “cold” to Slovak people. The Germans devote a lot of time to planning and preparing projects. They expect precision, attention to detail and focus on work from their fellow workers. Professionalism and initiative are crucial for good co-operation. “We work at work and we relax with family and friends in our free time.”

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Germany:
  • It is necessary to strictly meet deadlines and schedules of meetings. Professionalism and initiative are crucial for good co-operation.
  • Details, figures and facts are tools for solving problems. The Germans expect precision, attention to detail and focus on work from their fellow workers.
  • Team members are expected to be independent and think analytically when they work on assigned tasks.
  • It is necessary to study the set rules and proceed in compliance with them.
  • What has been agreed upon during the meeting must also be fulfilled. If a change is needed, it must be approved first.


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