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General Information:

Capital: Helsinki
Political system: Parliamentary Republic. The Prime Minister (Prime Minister) has the highest executive power. The head of state (president) performs mainly representative tasks.
Population: 5.5 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Finnish, Swedish

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 112
Firemen: 112
Police: 112

Embassy of the country in Slovakia:
Address: Palisády 29, 811 06 Bratislava
Tel :. +421 2 59805111

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the country:
Address: Vähäniityntie 5, Helsinki
Tel :. +358 968117810

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic offers Slovak citizens a free voluntary registration option before traveling abroad via the Ministry's website. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic will thus be able to inform you about crisis situations and provide you with timely and effective assistance in the event of an emergency.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic


Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

The information everyone should know about Finland is that the number of saunas is larger than the number of cars. Mobile phone throwing is an official sport. Thanks to Nokia, there are more phones in Finland than inhabitants. Upon completing their higher education and obtaining their PhD degrees, students receive a sword and a top hat. Internet access has been defined as a fundamental right since 2010. What is shocking for many foreigners is the amount of traffic fines for violations of regulations, which is derived from annual income.

The Finns belong to cultures that build relationships with new colleagues and business partners slowly. They do not belong to tactile cultures and they maintain their personal space when communicating.  To the surprise of some foreigners, public places or means of transport are too quiet. Great emphasis is put on the equality of men and women, which also applies in the business environment and in relationships between leaders and team members. It is natural for Finns that some business meetings start or end in the sauna.

The Finns belong to the nations that support new technologies and innovations. They pursue their clear goal, but at the same time use diplomacy and the support of all involved parties. At work, they are driven by the power to complete the project, even though they face unpredictable challenges and, many times, failure. The word “sisu” expresses this life philosophy.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Finland:
  • The rhythm of speech is slower and they expect their communication partners to listen to them and not to interrupt them.
  • The Finns often use moments of silence when communicating to think about a proposal or a solution to a problem. Silence is a signal of their active thinking.
  • Finnish people do not need a long introductory small talk.
  • Directness and briefness are expected in communication and too many questions mean that a presentation has not been prepared well.
  • Regarding time management, minutes are taken into account.



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