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General Information:

Capital: Tallinn
Political system: Parliamentary Republic. The Prime Minister (Prime Minister) has the highest executive power. The head of state (president) performs mainly representative tasks.
Population: 1.3 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official language: Estonian

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 112
Firemen: 112
Police: 110

Country Embassy for the Slovak Republic:
Address: Wohllebengasse 9/13, A - 1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel :. +43 1 5037761

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the country:
Address: Suur-Karja 2, 10140 Tallinn
Tel :. +372 6411077, +372 53323346

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic offers Slovak citizens a free voluntary registration option before traveling abroad via the Ministry's website. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic will thus be able to inform you about crisis situations and provide you with timely and effective assistance in the event of an emergency.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

The history of Estonia is marked by the power interests of Germany and Russia. Almost 7.3 percent of the civilian population died during the war, and almost 10 million Estonians lost their lives in the Russian Gulags after the war. Estonia ranks second in the fastest Internet connection on average in the world and it is one of the countries with very good Internet coverage. Maybe because it has a low population density, in other words, it is a deserted plain and thousands of islands. The Estonians have been learning to code since their childhood. Since the beginning of compulsory schooling, emphasis has been put on the development of skills for mastering modern technologies and programming.

In connection with the mentality of the Estonians, the so-called Scandinavian mentality is mentioned, which is rational and based on natural observance of rules. Estonian people perceive the sense of responsibility as an important value for public life. The Estonians are interested in what they can do today and do not put off their work until tomorrow.

The Estonians consider it an insult if someone confuses them with the people of Lithuania or Latvia. They can be classified as one of the Nordic business cultures that maintain their personal space and the expression of emotions is not part of the recommended professional conduct. In co-operation and business negotiations, they try to know all the details, and therefore, the conclusion of contracts and projects may take some time. Women are among the important leaders in all areas of industry. Topics not suitable for small talk are private life and politics.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Estonia:
  • Building relationships is not a crucial prerequisite for successful work co-operation.
  • The main goal in teamwork is focusing on tasks and fulfilling them.
  • English is commonly used at work and business meetings.
  • Wearing formal clothes means an expression of respect.
  • Meetings are planned in detail in advance.


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