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General Information:

Capital: Brussels
Political system: a constitutional monarchy with a king as head of state
Population: 11, 4 mil
Currency: Euro (EUR)
Official languages: Dutch, French, German

EU single emergency number: 112
National lines:
Rescue service: 100
Firemen: 100
Police: 101

Embassy of the country in Slovakia:
Address: Fraňa Kráľa 5, 811 05 Bratislava
Tel :. +421 2 57101211

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in the country:
Address: Avenue Molière 195, Brussels
Tel: +32 23401462, +32 23463597 (consular department), +32 23401460 (secretariat)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic offers Slovak citizens a free voluntary registration option before traveling abroad via the Ministry's website. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic will thus be able to inform you about crisis situations and provide you with timely and effective assistance in the event of an emergency.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic

Cultural differences and advice from Intercultural Communication Coach:

Belgium is known for its waffles, chocolate, music festivals and fries. Even if there is a constant debate about whether French fries originated in France or Belgium, you will come across them at every corner. The Belgians drink about 150 litres of beer a year, and it is with beer that friendships and business contacts are made. Belgium is also known as a paradise for artists who devote themselves to drawing fairy tales. The famous Smurfs and the Adventures of Tintin have their origins in this country.

There are three official languages in Belgium. Dutch is spoken in Flanders, French in Wallonia and a small group of the population in the east speaks German. Belgium is best known for its capital, Brussels, where the EU institutions are based. For the sake of the multicultural society, Belgium inhabitants try to be polite to each other, willing to offer help to foreigners and build mutual relations at various festivals.

Compromise and agreement are the two crucial words for social and business life in Belgium. They are the pillars for an agreement between the various regions in Belgium and a shift in co-operation.

Originally a hierarchical business culture, it undergoes many changes to reach the co-operation of experts and team members, who are all involved in the decision-making process. The same is true for companies responding to current changes. The Belgians belong to the cultures that try to avoid quick decisions and risks. However, the new generation is becoming more flexible in this area as well.

The communication style differs with respect to certain areas of Belgium. Direct communication style and open discussion of problems is especially typical for the Flemish part. Due to the historical differences between the Flemish and Walloon regions and Brussels, the business is governed by harmony and respect for multiculturalism.

Recommendations for Co-operation with Colleagues from Belgium:
  • The Belgians expect flexibility and pragmatism in business co-operation.
  • The environmental aspect is important in any teamwork.
  • Business meetings and negotiations are based on an agenda agreed in advance that should result in a compromise or mutual agreement.
  • Team members are expected to be actively involved in problem solving and to express an open opinion that may differ from the team leader’s opinion.
  • Small talk topics that should be avoided are the following: religion, politics, community affiliation, national minorities.


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